Taxpayer Tea Parties All Across the Nation

Have you had enough taxation, regulation, over-spending, over-borrowing, bailouts, stimulus packages, and redistribution of wealth?

Our government exists to serve the People. We do not exist to serve the government. How well is your government serving you?

  • Our elected representatives are gutting our economy with irresponsible borrowing and spending for Toxic Asset Relief Programs, bailouts, and stimulus packages that benefit their major campaign contributors at your expense.

  • They’re diluting all of our savings, income, and retirement funds by printing up trillions of dollars of toilet-paper currency, leading to hyper-inflation and the devaluation of every dollar you own or earn.

  • They’re mortgaging our nation to China and other foreign powers, and indenturing our children and grandchildren to pay off the astronomical debt they’re incurring in our name.

  • They’re driving the industries that sustain our economy off-shore through prohibitively expensive and increasingly restrictive regulation, ostensibly to protect “the environment” and prevent “climate change.”

  • They’re establishing a whole new elite class of government employees who don’t produce anything, but are compensated more highly than the private sector can afford to match, — and are paid at the expense of the taxpayers.

  • They created this economic crisis by trying to implement social engineering as economic policy, and now they’re pretending they can get us out of this mess the same way they got us into it — by loosening up credit, promoting risk-free mortgages for those who still can’t afford to buy homes, and investing our money in the same toxic assets that are threatening to bring down the world economy!

On top of that, they plan to expand entitlement programs, under the misguided assumption that it’s the government’s role to provide for everybody who can’t or won’t provide for themselves — at the expense of those who do. They believe they need to pass even more laws to protect us from ourselves. States are drafting new regulations to determine how we can and can’t use our private property. And, at every level, they’re absolutely convinced that they know how to spend our money better than we do.

If the founding fathers could have even imagined the plethora of laws, regulations, ordinances, taxes, licenses, permits, fees, etc. that we are subject to today, and which are constantly increasing, they would roll over in their graves. Yet our current administration, and Congress, seem to believe we do not have enough government. They want to see government expanded at an even greater rate than it’s already expanding. One has to wonder what these people think the ultimate role of government should be. — It’s certainly a far cry from what our founding fathers intended.

If you’ve had enough, and you’re ready to stand up and send a message to your legislators that their days in office are numbered unless they STOP THE SPENDING, STOP THE BORROWING, STOP THE TAXING, STOP THE PORKING, and STOP REGULATING OUR ECONOMY INTO INSOLVENCY, find your nearest Taxpayer Tea Party and join us in protest on April 15.

It’s time to take a stand against overtaxation and overregulation. Please join me, and millions of others, in telling our government Get Your Hand Out of My Pocket and Leave Me Alone!

To find the Taxpayer Tea Party nearest you, visit

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40 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I heard last year that Federal Taxes are not in fact legally binding in the US as the decision to implement them was not a quorate one. Could be interesting if true.

  2. Good luck with not paying taxes! it’s an endless time suck to deal with the IRS. If you have money, and you owe them money, they will take it.
    The current system, and the changes coming, need to fail hard and fast.
    – try and make less money and pay less taxes, starve the beast!
    – barter, buy on the internet, pay cash. Drive the underground economy.
    – ‘tea parties’ need to have less tea-drinking and more tea dumping. The right needs to surpass the left in this area. Maybe we need a few good riots or something…
    – less talk, more do.

  3. On the Money,

    “I heard last year that Federal Taxes are not in fact legally binding in the US as the decision to implement them was not a quorate one. Could be interesting if true.”

    Gee, if only someone had told the late Leona Helmsley and Wesley Snipes about that.


    “They’re mortgaging our nation to China and other foreign powers, and indenturing our children and grandchildren to pay off the astronomical debt they’re incurring in our name.”

    I have been trying to figure out why China would continue to buy our debt. The only conclusion I can come to is that like AIG, we are too big to fail. For now China has to fund us. If the Chinese allow us to go under, who will buy their products? If their factories close, their people will revolt.

    In the US when people are thrown out of work, they just vote out who ever is in power. The Republicans were just voted out for the Democrats. In China, there is no alternative to the Communist Party. So like AIG, Fannie and Freddie, and all the rest of the bail out queens it does not matter how stupid we are. I bet 20 years ago some smart ex Wall St guy at the Treasury figured it all out.

  4. I will be interested to see if these tea parties actually accomplish anything. If the Brown Shirts show up to disrupt, then critical mass has been reached.

  5. The Tea Parties are a start. However, it’s going to take something a bit more than that to make a change. Throwing the majority of the pols in DC out of the House and Senate would be a good start.

    A big problem as I see it is that the ‘have-nots’ and potential welfare recipients may very well out number those that are taking responsibility for their own welfare and are prepared to stand up for liberty.

  6. Weclome to Daddyland, Hardrock! I fear you may be right about the entitlees outnumbering the self-reliant sorts. After all, that’s how we got our current administration — and it’s only the beginning.

    As for throwing them out of the House and Senate, I agree. I think the Tea Parties, if people turn out in sufficient numbers all across the country, may serve to send them a message that we CAN and WILL throw them out.

    Whether we actually can and will is another question…

    But, if we each do all we can do, and recruit others off the sidelines into the fray, we may create a snowball effect that will at least raise people’s awareness, and possibly reach critical mass in time for the next election.

    What’s the althernative? Lay back and ‘enjoy’ it? No thanks. I’m ready and willing to do whatever it takes. — Now, if only I could figure out what it will take…

    Will you join me? What have you got to lose? (Except maybe your country…)

  7. Hi NYD, Sorry, can’t join you for the party. I’ll probably be going to the one in Rogue River………. If we can get down off the hill, that is. Guess you’ll be going to the one Jack is setting up for GP??

    P.S. ‘My country’ is history. What we had is gone and only time will tell if there will be anything salvageable left.

  8. The tea party closest to me is at noon. One fact leapt out at me. I’m working at that date and time. It occurs to me that my case illustrates one disadvantage our side suffers.

    Even in a bad economy we tend to be busy making a living. In contrast to the rent a mobs Democrats seem to be able to mobilize at will. They have no problem, even in good times, finding enough idle bodies to protest things from the Higgins pigeon shoots, to AIG bonus recipients.

    The anarchists protesting in Europe should have made our President feel right at home.

  9. Alan, the Tea Party here in Rogue River will be handing out pre-addressed envelopes to send to Obama, Wyden and Merkley with a photograph of a tea bag inside. For those that cannot make it to the ‘party’, envelopes may be picked up at Bradley Realty in Rogue River. I’ll pick some up for you if you’d like me to.

  10. P.S. ‘My country’ is history. What we had is gone and only time will tell if there will be anything salvageable left.

    I’m not ready to consign our country to history yet, Hardrock. I suspect there are some major historical upheavals in the offing, but I’m not ready to concede yet. If we’re going to go down, I’m going to go down fighting…

  11. Hardrock,

    “For those that cannot make it to the ‘party’, envelopes may be picked up at Bradley Realty in Rogue River. I’ll pick some up for you if you’d like me to.”

    I accept, and thank you.

  12. […] presents Taxpayer Tea Parties All Across the Nation posted at Government is not your Daddy., saying, “If the founding fathers could have even […]

  13. How can i have my own TEA PARTY

  14. If there isn’t a Tea Party scheduled in your city, you can sign up to be a Tea Party coordinator. There’s a Tea Party Team Wiki for planners and coordinators at, where you can register your Tea Party information and get lots of good ideas on planning it.

    There’s also a Web site that lists Tea Parties all across the nation. Go to, and click your state in the right hand column. There should be a state coordinator listed, with contact information, who can help you organize a Tea Party in your city.

    Also, you might want to contact your state chapter of Americans for Prosperity. They helped us kick start our Tea Party planning, and are contributing signs and T-shirts for participants.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know how your Tea Party turns out!

  15. […] presents Taxpayer Tea Parties All Across the Nation posted at Government is not your Daddy., saying, “If the founding fathers could have even […]

  16. Hardrock wrote: A big problem as I see it is that the ‘have-nots’ and potential welfare recipients may very well out number those that are taking responsibility for their own welfare and are prepared to stand up for liberty.

    Truer words were never spoken! When 3% of the population controls 50% of the wealth the “haves” may easily be the minority.

  17. Wigglesworth, you posted “Truer words were never spoken! When 3% of the population controls 50% of the wealth the “haves” may easily be the minority”, relative to my post.

    Two questions came to mind upon reading your post.

    1.How did you arrive at at your percentages?

    2.Have you, by any chance, considered that the people in D.C. and various State Capitols are actually controlling vast sums of money that isn’t even theirs?

    Not arguing, Wigglesworth, just curious.

  18. The independently successful are always dangerous to central authority. Their power must be taxed and controlled. If they resist their money must be taken and given away to those the central committee keeps on welfare.

    They must owe their wealth to the state, otherwise they may dress up like who knows what, Indians, and throw tea parties like the one in 1773 at Boston. They might even use their wealth to lead a tax revolt like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Nathaniel Green, and Benjamin Franklin did in 1776. Now that’s what I call evil capitalists.

    Amusing how many great societies gained their power by demonizing successful people. The Jacobites in France demonized the rich during the French Revolution. After they ran out of rich people to guillotine, they guillotined everybody.

    The Bolshevics got rid of all of the rich people, along with the Czar. I suppose the peasants were better off under Stalin, than under Czar Nicholas. Particularly those in Ukraine who were on Stalin’s weight watcher program of the 1930s.

    Then you have North Korea. Equality, everyone starves equally except the party faithful.

    Now we have the great populist Barak Obama. The rich are evil, unless they support the current rulers. The good rich are Arthur Sulzberger JR and George Soros. After all we know that in America it is impossible for anyone to rise because the bad rich keep the poor down.

  19. Well written post, Allen. Always enjoy ‘tongue in cheek’ posts, especially when they are right on target.

    I wonder how many welfare beneficiaries realize that they are in servitude to the government? Gee, and I thought slavery had been abolished………..

    Sent you and email about the Tea Party envelopes. Did you receive it? Curious, where are you located?

    Also, another commitment came up so it looks like I’ll miss the Tea Party myself….What a drag……….

  20. It is our money, we paid it in taxes taken from our paychecks. Now they want to raise the taxes. I say if they want to raise the taxes, then they need to put it to a vote, fair and Democratic. They stll put people in jail for thievery don’t they?

  21. Hardrock,

    Thanks for the kind words.

    “I wonder how many welfare beneficiaries realize that they are in servitude to the government? Gee, and I thought slavery had been abolished……”

    What I have found is that people getting any type of government payments are all for the government screwing the folks above them, but when the government takes their money and distributes it to the poor below them, suddenly they are all for self reliance and talk like Libertarians.

    As of yet I have not received your message. I am located in eastern Pa, north of Philly.

  22. Alan Scott,

    North of Philly eh? Ever listen to Quinn and Rose?

  23. DJ,

    I’ve heard of Quinn and Rose, but hadn’t listened to them. I have checked them out since you mentioned them and I like what I heard.
    I don’t get Satellite radio and on my local AM band they are on at 7pm, which is not convenient. Quinn seems a bit of a loose canon but very entertaining.

  24. Alan Scott,

    He is quite entertaining. I like his “loose cannon” style, it sure as hell beats the “cookie cutter” MSM talking heads!

  25. DJ,

    I agree that he is very easy to listen to.


    I know I get in to trouble when I wander off topic, but your energy forums seem to have ended. I did want to post the following link. It does have a tax-stimulus spending element to it.

  26. Since no one else has commented on attending a tea party, I will. I was able to spend about 20 minutes at the Lehighton Pa. tea party. Small town, small outside park. I signed their petition. About 50 people there in the late afternoon.

    Got 2 copies of Heritage Foundation’s booklet of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. There was more than one group handing out stuff. The 9/12 people and another group Campaign for Liberty.

  27. Alan Scott,

    I wanted to go…but I had to work.

  28. “When 3% of the population controls 50% of the wealth the ‘haves’ may easily be the minority”

    “How did you arrive at at your percentages?”

    Who knows, but it depends what group of people that you are talking about.

    When it comes to the world’s distribution of wealth, the USA has roughly 5% of the world’s population, and it controls about 25-35% of the world’s wealth. In the USA alone at the end of 2001, 10% of the population owned 71% of the wealth, and the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the USA’s wealth.

    “Have you, by any chance, considered that the people in D.C. and various State Capitols are actually controlling vast sums of money that isn’t even theirs?”

    Yea, and it’s called govt., a system that goes all the back to the Roman Republic BTW.

    “Now they want to raise the taxes”

    …on the rich only.

    “I say if they want to raise the taxes, then they need to put it to a vote, fair and Democratic”

    …and they will, in the U.S. Congress.

    “They stll put people in jail for thievery don’t they?”

    Only the most extreme Right-wingers believe that taxation is “thievery”.

  29. Hi Mister Guy,
    Filling in for Wigglesworth today, are you?

    In reading your comments, I can only recommend that you refresh your knowledge relative to the Roman Republic/Empire and the Constitution of the United States, along with the Bill of Rights.

    What Congress has done, and continues to do,is not in-line with the Constitution.

    Further, if you think only the rich will be taxed, you are in for a big surprise…… unless you are on welfare or are a member of the bureaucracy, that is.

  30. Just some research work for those that have too much time on their hands. Scientist guys with out real jobs. Research the finances of the late Roman Empire. You will find that the Emperor, ( Central Government to those who don’t know history ) continually debased the currency. Forever increasing taxes.

    Now we have Barakus Husseinus Obamus the Great, who has what amounts to a rubber stamp Roman Senate worshiping his every word and deed. He is raising taxes and debasing our currency. Historical figure that Obamus is, marking the beginning of the decline and eventual fall of America.

  31. “I can only recommend that you refresh your knowledge relative to the Roman Republic/Empire and the Constitution of the United States, along with the Bill of Rights.”

    You first wing-nut…governments have been redistributing wealth all the way back to the Roman Republic…read a history book sometime. Taxation is totally legal in the USA, period end of story.

    “What Congress has done, and continues to do,is not in-line with the Constitution”

    …in your minority opinion.

    “Further, if you think only the rich will be taxed, you are in for a big surprise”

    LOL…thanks for admitting that the crushing amount of debt that this country has accumulated (under mostly GOP leadership that is) over the last few decades can only be dealt effectively with tax increases. I’ve been saying that for a looong time now…”supply-side” ecomonics is pretty much dead at this point…

  32. Mister Guy,

    Before you bounce around spinning comments such as; “…in your minority opinion”, I suggest you pick up a copy of “The Heritage Guide to The Constitution”. Having read that, perhaps your opinion might change. If not, at least you’ll gain a bit of knowledge relative to the Constitution

    Beyond that, you said:

    ” LOL…thanks for admitting that the crushing amount of debt that this country has accumulated (under mostly GOP leadership that is) over the last few decades can only be dealt effectively with tax increases.”

    I admitted nothing of the sort. While the debt accumulated is the fault of more than the current administration, it most assuredly will not be resolved by additional taxation of anyone. Further taxation of the ‘so-called’ rich will not, in any way, resolve our monetary problems.

  33. “I suggest you pick up a copy of ‘The Heritage Guide to The Constitution’.”

    I suggest instead, that you simply READ THE U.S. CONSTITUTION and not just some “interpretation” of the Constitution from some Right-wing website. Never heard of the Elastic Clause?? I didn’t think so…

    “While the debt accumulated is the fault of more than the current administration, it most assuredly will not be resolved by additional taxation of anyone. Further taxation of the ’so-called’ rich will not, in any way, resolve our monetary problems.”

    LOL…nice try at backpeddling there, but it’s not working. This is what you said:
    “Further, if you think only the rich will be taxed, you are in for a big surprise”

    We have yet to cut spending and effectively, significantly reduced the federal deficit. The last time that the federal budget was balanced came only after tax increases that were implemented (with NO GOP votes) in 1993, which were enacted mostly on the rich! Some of the tax increases in the Bush I term also helped out some in eventually balancing the federal budget by the end of Clinton’s term. Again, try & learn some actual history…

  34. Mr Guy,

    I’m not going to spend my time attempting to have a logical discussion with you.

    Sayonnara (sp?)

  35. I accept your surrender “Hardrock”…and good riddance…

  36. Mr Guy,
    Surrender did not happen – what happened was my taking the advice I gave to another on this blog some time ago relative to your twisted postings.

    Good riddance? Not from you. It’s not your blog and never will be.

  37. Backpeddling so soon?? What a surprise…

  38. It is amazing how Congress gets no credit for over spending. This administration or that. The guys and gals who fill out the pork sandwiches. Slip in the ear marks. That since Bush spent so much in Iraq, what’s a few extra billion sent home to buy votes. Thank God we finally have a President who will go over the budget line by freakin line to cut the fat. A President who will cut $50 million after wasting trillions.

    We will probably save hundreds on water now that the taps are closed on the water boarding.

  39. C’mon Alan, be fair now.

    I heard he directed his people to come up with 100 million in cuts. That, I understand, amounts to something like 0.000028% (give or take a 0 somewhere) of the stimulus and bail-out expenditures.

    Dramatic effort on his part, I would say………..

  40. Obama is what Obama is. I keep wondering why so many keep believing anything he says. He is just George Soros’s pitch man.

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